πŸ—ž The 'Modern Man' Newsletter #54-Monogamy, Being a Millionaire & Building Lasting Habits πŸ—ž

- πŸ—“ 12.11.2023 πŸ—“ -


Learning never exhausts the mind. - Leonardo Da Vinci

Welcome to this weeks 'Modern Man' Newsletter

Heres you're weekly round up of the best content, articles and resources to help you live a better connected and more enriched life as the


-Physically - Mentally - Emotionally - Spiritually - Intellectually - Financially-

-❝ Quote of the week ❞-

β€œDopamine is not about the pursuit of happiness, it is about the happiness of pursuit.”

Dr Robert Sapolsky


- ✍️ Executive Summary ✍️-

In todays issue we are getting to grips with:


-Being a Millionaire

-Building Lasting Habits



3 things that ponders what it might mean (or not) to be a Man living in the modern world.


1) The Integrated Man By Robert Glover




From His Book No More Mr Nice Guy

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2) A man cannot please everyone

' A man that is a friend to everybody is an enemy to himself ' Mike Tyson


3) Phalates are making your penis small?





As men we all live with blind spots!

It's time to unlock your potential, set the standard and become the multi faceted man you always wanted to be in these 3 core areas of life...

🧠 - Health- πŸ’ͺ🏻


Sleep for 8 Hours, not 6.

Exercise for 1 hour, not 4.

Learn for 3 hours, not 10.

Read for 2 hours, not 5.

Deep work for 4 hours, not 12.

You're a human, not a machine.


- πŸ’Έ Wealth, Career & BusinessπŸ’Έ -


Alex Hormozi on the paradox of being a millionaire

"When I was 20, I wanted to be a millionaire. But when I was a millionaire, I wanted to be 20".


❀️ Relationships & Sex ❀️


16 women reproduced for every 1 man before Christianity turned the West monogamous.

β€œBefore the advent of agriculture roughly twelve thousand years ago (when humans primarily lived in nomadic hunter-gatherer societies), roughly 2 to 4 women reproduced for every man.

However, just a few thousand years after agriculture, approximately 16 women reproduced for every man.

Once people were able to stockpile resources and amass large armies, chiefdoms killed or enslaved the men in societies they conquered and captured all the fertile females.

This pattern was interrupted in the western world in part as a result of the spread of Christianity and its monogamous edicts.” β€” Joseph Henrich via Rob Henderson



- πŸ€“ Physical Hack πŸ€“ -

Right when you meet a new person, say their name back to them 2-3 times in your first conversation. It’ll help you remember their name.

- πŸ’» Digital Hack πŸ’» -

Your browsing history isn't actually cleared until you do this method....




-Stay Interested and Stay Interesting-

Become well rounded and the most interesting man in the room.... (Or at the water cooler?)

-πŸ“† On This Day πŸ“† -

On this day in 1931 Abbey Road Studios opened in London and was later made famous by the Beatles, who recorded most of their albums there.

-πŸ’­WisdomπŸ’­ -

Habits are the compound interest of self-improvement. The same way that money multiplies through compound interest, the effects of your habits multiply as you repeat them.

Success is the product of daily habits not once in a lifetime transformations.

Time magnifies the margin between success and failure. It will multiply whatever you feed it. Good habits make time your ally. Bad habits make time your enemy.

The impact created by a change in your habits is similar to the effect of shifting the route of an airplane by just a few degrees.

Imagine you are flying from Los Angeles to New York City. If a pilot leaving from LAX adjusts the heading just 3.5 degrees south, you will land in Washington, D.C., instead of New York. Such a small change is barely noticeable at takeoff the nose of the airplane moves just a few feet- but when magnified across the entire United States, you end up hundreds of miles apart.

For context:

Washington, D.C., is about 225 miles from New York City. Assuming you are flying on a 747 or an Airbus A380, changing the heading by 3.5 degrees as you leave Los Angeles likely causes the nose of the airplane to shift between 7.2 to 7.6 feet, or about 86 to 92 inches. A very small shift in direction can lead to a very meaningful change in destination.

Taken From 'Atomic Habits' by James Clear

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🦾 - AI - 🦾

Polish rum company 'Dictador' appointed the world’s first AI CEO, Mika.

Is this the beginning of the end.....

'I don' really have weekends...I am always on 24/7 ready to make executive decisions'

video preview​


-πŸŒ€ Cool & RandomπŸŒ€-

Im 'Lovin' It



  • πŸ” The last McDonald's in Iceland closed in 2009.
  • 🍟 HjΓΆrtur SmΓ‘rason bought the last McDonald's hamburger in Iceland and preserved it in a plastic bag for three years.
  • πŸ›οΈ The well-preserved hamburger is now exhibited at Snotra House in ÞykkvibΓ¦r, South Iceland.
  • πŸ“š The National Museum of Iceland received the hamburger, but a specialist said they couldn't preserve it, so it was transferred to Snotra House.
  • πŸ•°οΈ Despite being almost 10 years past its sell-by date, the burger and fries remain in good shape.

There is even a live stream of the burger here!​

-🧐 Did You Know 🧐 -

The Japanese calendar is divided into 72 seasons instead of the traditional 4, based on such nuances of weather and nature such as "bamboo shoots sprouting", "wheat ripening" and "Swallows return".

-πŸ˜†Just For Laughs πŸ˜†-


🍿-What To Watch -🍿

The 4 part deep dive into Robbie Williams life and career is a brilliant watch.

The concept is really cool.

He is watching back clips and vlogs over his life so far and you see him breakdown his thoughts and emotions.

It's quite a heavy watch but interesting nonetheless!


video preview​




- πŸ”  'Word Of The Week' πŸ”  -

Word: Parsimonious

Pronunciation: par-si-moh-nee-us

Meaning: characterized by or showing parsimony; frugal or stingy

In Use: "The parsimonious homeowner hesitated to replace the broken microwave, preferring to repair it to save money."

❓ Question ❓

Opportunities in life come through people. Who do you need to connect with to gain access to the opportunities you want?


-πŸƒ β€˜Dad Joke’ πŸƒ-

I thought about going on an all almond diet... but that’s just nuts.




Last Weeks Riddle: A 300 ft. train is travelling 300 ft. per minute must travel through a 300 ft. long tunnel. How long will it take the train to travel through the tunnel?


This Weeks Riddle:

If: 1 + 4 = 5

2 + 5 = 12

3 + 6 = 21

Then: 8 + 11 = _?

Answer: Revealed in nexts weeks issue!


πŸ“ΈImage Of The Week πŸ“Έ




I am a co-founder of the award winning global charity Talk Club, a talking and listening club for men.
We offer global talking groups, sports groups and therapy to help keep men mentally fit.

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-Feedback or suggestions are always welcomed and appreciated.-

πŸ“§We’d honestly love to hear from you any time. Send us an email at hello@projectgetagrip.com πŸ“§

Get A Grip

Helping Men live better lives

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Hi 'Modern Man' readers..... Tom here πŸ‘‹ (Founder of the newsletter) A very different publication to what you are used to Firstly, It's been a while. I have not posted a issue since mid Nov Some significant life changes have occurred that reflect this (particularly in my family dynamic) I have since become a father which is very exciting twinned with deciding to reconnect to my birth surname following the wonderful birth of my daughter. My passion for the mens community remains with my work as...

- πŸ—“ 19.11.2023 πŸ—“ - #Issue55 Learning never exhausts the mind. - Leonardo Da Vinci Welcome to this weeks 'Modern Man' Newsletter Heres you're weekly round up of the best content, articles and resources to help you live a better connected and more enriched life as the MODERN MAN -Physically - Mentally - Emotionally - Spiritually - Intellectually - Financially- -❝ Quote of the week ❞- 'Your Energy Introduces You Before You Do' Mel Robbins - ✍️ Executive Summary ✍️- In todays issue we are getting...

- πŸ—“ 05.11.2023 πŸ—“ - #Issue52 Learning never exhausts the mind. - Leonardo Da Vinci Welcome to this weeks 'Modern Man' Newsletter Heres you're weekly round up of the best content, articles and resources (and personal insights) to help you live a better connected and more enriched life as the MODERN MAN -Physically - Mentally - Emotionally - Spiritually - Intellectually - Financially- -❝ Quote of the week ❞- A leader is best when people barely know he exists, when his work is done, his aim...